04. Punic


PERIOD: Siglos III-II A. DE J.C./ ORIGIN: Punic/ PIECE: 0308A/ Description: An amphora-shaped blue kiln-cast balsamarium, inlaid with blue, yellow and light blue glass; dotted design.
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PERIOD: Century III-II A. DE J.C/ ORIGIN: Punic/ PIECE: 0309A/ Description: Kiln-cast balsamariumin the shape of an alabastron, made in opaque blue glass, with green, white and yellow glass applications. It has two handles made from blue glass in a zigzag design.
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PERIOD: Century III-II A. DE J.C./ ORIGIN: Punic/ PIECE: 0310A/ Description: Cobalt blue kiln-cast balsamariumin the shape of an alabastron, inlaid with light blue and yellow glass. Zigzag pattern on the body and spirals on the neck.
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PERIOD: Century V-IV A. DE J.C./ ORIGIN: Punic/ PIECE: 0166A/ Description: Red pottery bottle shaped like the bust of a male god; he carries a rod in his hands and wears a robe with many folds and a hood over his head, where a hole is located for filling the vessel.
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